Membrane seperation for effluent & discussion

membrane seperation for effluent & discussion

Wastewater includes an oversized sort of dyestuffs and chemical addition that create environmental challenge. Principally effluent come back from colouring and finishing processes. That need the input of a good vary of chemicals and dyestuffs. That usually area unit organic compounds.

Wastewater contains high suspended solids, colloids, dissolved salt and organic matters. Therefore effluent ought to be treated. The aim of effluent treatment is to get rid of those suspended solids et al. Organic compounds as attainable before combination in water .There area unit several method that area unit wont to treat the effluent. Membrane separation method is one in all them.


Treating effluent of a pilot plant reproducing on a smaller scale a separation system supported ultrafiltration and reverse diffusion. (The method that use a partly leaky membrane to get rid of ions, unwanted molecules and bigger particles from potable in referred to as reverse osmosis)

In this technique, Effluent from coloring Associate in Nursing finishing plant once activated sludge oxidization. A microorganism biomass suspension is liable for the removal of pollutants) was treated at Associate in Nursing 800 l/h by suggests that of sand filtation followed by a separation in an radical filtration membrane module that is employed to get rid of all mixture particles (0.01 to 1.0 microns) from water and typically it removes the biggest dissolved contaminants.

Last Step for effluent sepration

Last separation step. Reverse diffusion (a pressure that push water through semi-permeable membrane and take away contaminants) eight bar pressure. Created a permeate (60% of the recess flow) that hoping on the analytical screening performed . Produced permeate will be reused all told production steps. A preliminary analysis of investment and operational prices conjointly gave encouraging indications of the economic feasibleness.

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Another method that is additionally common is thought as Vapor permeation. It suggests that the transport of matter through a membrane from a vapor feed mixture to a vapor permeate. In essence, porous and/or nonporous membranes will be wont to separate vapor and gas mixtures. It works counting on the molecular size and form of their constituents. Non porous membranes area unit commonly used and in this case vapor permeation is closely associated with concentration.

Terms of fabric Manufacturing and GSM Calculation

Fabric can be made from interlacement, interlooping , intertwining  or bonding of two , one or multiple threads or fibers with specified dimensional stability that can be transformed to apparel or Garments. we are gonna discussing about GSM as wall.

There are three major methods of mechanically manipulating yarn into fabrics

  1. Interlacement or Interwevaing
  2. Interlooping
  3. Intertwining

Interlacement or Interwevaing :-

Two distinct  sets of yarns one is called warp yarn and another is called weft yarn  are interlaced with each other and produced fabric by loom which is called woven fabric. The lengthwise yarns are called warp and  The crosswise yarns are called  weft. Weft yarns are also known as filling yarns or threads

Interlooping :-

Interlooping consists of forming yarn (one set yarn such as warp or weft) into loops, each of which is only released after a succeeding loop has been formed  and intermeshed with it so that a secure ground loop structure is achieved . knit fabric is produced by Interlooping

Intertwining :-

Intertwining and twisting includes a number of methods such as braiding and knotting where yarns are caused to intertwine with each other at right angles or some other angle


The planner substance which can be made from bonding fibers with specific dimensional stability that can be transformed to apparel

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Terms of fabric Manufacturing and GSM Calculation

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Some terms  that you have to know


To produce suitable package from spinners package such as cone, cop, pirn cheese etc. is called Winding


To produce warper beam from suitable  package such as cone, cop, pirn cheese etc. is called Warping


The process of applying a protective coating upon the yarn surface so that the yarn will suffer the least damage in weaving


The process of passing the warp yarn through the drop wire/ dropper is called pinning.


The process of passing the warp yarn through the heald eye of heald Frame is called Drawing  .


The process of passing the warp yarn through the heald eye of heald Frame for a specific fabric such as twill , plain is called Drafting .


The process of passing the warp yarn through the dent of reed is called Denting .

Tying-in/ Knotting:

The tail end of the warp from the exhausted warp beam is tied or knotted to the beginning of the new warp is called Tying-in

Soft Winding:

By reducing hardness, the package has to be made suitable for dyeing. It is called soft winding.

Hard Winding:

During winding process a hard package is made from the soft package. Then it is converted to a cone form. It is called hard winding.

Backward Linkage:

The relation of grey fabric with yarn, fiber and polymer is known as backward linkage.

Forward Linkage:

The relation of grey fabric with finished fabric and apparel is known as forward linkage


What is GSM ?

It is the metric measurement of the weight of a fabric. The Elaborate form of GSM is grams per square meter. it is also known as (gm/m2). Some clothing items are still marked in Imperial weights OZ or oz/yd2. OZ or oz/yd2 means ounces per yard squared

We can measure GSM  by using following steps without GSM Cutter :

  •  Cut 5 pieces of fabric.  (The length and the width of all fabric pieces should be like 12 cm)
  • Measure the weight of all fabric pieces. (suppose 1.8gm, 2gm, 1.85gm, 1.90gm, 1.95gm)
  • Then calculate average  weight such as

(1.8+2+1.85+1.90+1.95)/5 =1.95 gm

  • Calculate the fabric sample area

Length * width = 12 * 12 = 144 cm2

Now apply this formula

GSM = (Weight of the samplein Gram*10000)/Area of Sample in cm2

        = ( 1.9*10000)/144

        = 131.94


Comments :

Fabric weight depends on GSM .


Relation between GSM & OZ :

5.5oz x 33.906 = 186.48gsm

185gsm / 33.906 = 5.45oz

This is very important to understand the variations of fabric weight

Scientist in Bangladesh has invented one kind of amazing bag

Scientist in Bangladesh has invented one kind of amazing bag

Introducing of Sonali Bag

A Bangladeshi scientist has invented one kind of bag called “Sonali Bag”. Its look like transparent polythene bag. It’s made from completely bio-degradable substance. To protect from of hazard effect of polythene goods. Scientist over the globe trying to replace that effect by some new inventions. Finally;  Bangladeshi scientist named Dr. Mubarak Ahmad Khan demand that he has invented such bags which made from jute.

Everybody knows about Jute fiber which is also known as Golden fiber. Jute fibers are silky, lustrous and golden brown in color. It has strength, low cost, durability and versatility. Sonali Bag is used where low cost is important than durability and it is called Golden fiber.

Scientists have conducted researches for long to invent an effective alternative to the harmful polythene. But they do not find any way. The new jute-made bag used as handy as poly bag, it is supposed to have a huge potential for successfully ending the use polythene in the country and save the environment of Bangladesh along with world environment.

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Dr. Mubarak Ahmad Khan

Dr. Mubarak Ahmad Khan

Dr. Mubarak Ahmad Khan has invented the ‘Sonali bag’. He has successfully developed the low-cost bio-degradable sheet from modified jute cellulose. Mechanical properties of polyethylene sheet is lower than the developed sheet. The product shows complete bio-Degradability within 4-6 months of soil burial. It will be degraded in water by around 8 hours.


Chemical composition:-

Cellulose: 65.2%

Hemi-cellulose: 22.2 %

Lignin: 12.5 %

Water soluble matter: 1.5 %

Fat and wax: 0.6 %


  1. It is biodegradable so Environment won’t be polluted by this product.
  2. The production of Jute in Bangladesh is more but its uses are not enough than its production. So that it can get much positive feedback from user.
  3. Because of being transparent its look like also polyethylene and attractive.
  4. It has more strength than polyethylene so it can carry much load.
  5. Because of made from jute fiber, after bulk production its cost would be cheap.

This article was guest post by Riad Badhon. You may get him by this mail id: 

What do you think about this new invention and about his sonali bag please write a comment blew.