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Garments manufacturing flow chart



Garments are final result, that’s why the all textile industry working hard day by day. A garment is a word which is directly used in apparel and clothing technology and this technology can depend on woven fabric as well as knit and hosiery. To make a perfect product a few rule and regulation is required to follow so that a flow chart is important to make a garment. Let’s have a look on flow chart.

Garments manufacturing is a long process which is start from garments design or sketch and get the end by delivery the garments from the finishing line on garments industry to buyer. There are two way to done the job one is manual methods and another one is computer method. computer method is more valuable and effective than the manual method. Computer method is easy and first way. The automatic machine also work through computer system.


Garments manufacturing flow chart

Side operation



Design or sketch

Manual or computer

Block pattern

Pattern design

Manual or computer

Sample making

Value fixing

Production pattern


Manual or computer

Marker making or lay planning

Fabric inspection

Fabric grading

Automatic iron press

Fusing roller press


Sewing or assembling

General sewing machine


Final pressing or finishing

Steam iron, steam press

Final inspection




Disperse to buyer or retailer


Garments manufacturing is a continues process where so many step required to take and pass the fabric into different type of process. Those process is important for garments look more gorgeous and maximum capability to fell comfort. Today most of the buyer need the maximum quality full cloth by spending minimum amount of money. So the calculation is so much important to make a garment and keep the business in the field of competition. To know more about textile technology please keep visiting this site frequently.



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