Marker Making and using technique of marker.

What is marker?
Marker is a piece of paper which is designed with essential size of dress to cut the fabric by low wastage and make maximum desire product. It’s possible to make more profit using the advantage of low wastage and save time by making a high efficiency marker. Generally a marker’s taken width is less than the desire dress’s width and the length depend on how many desire cloth’s size are include in marker. An expert man is needs to make a marker.
Making and using technique of marker:
At first make various size of dress’s pattern which is requirement of customer or buyer and then those pattern are setup on the marker paper to make marker for minimum wastage. The width of marker is depending on the fabric which is used to make desire dress or garment. Firstly the large size patterns are set on the marker, and than the small size patterns are set on the marker paper into the two or three large patterns blank space. These techniques reduce the wastage of cloth to make garments. Generally a marker designed on white or news-print paper.
Purpose of marker making:
- By the low wastage cloth a garment industry makes more profitable in business.
- The marker making help us to calculate the exact amount of fabric are needs in production.
- Marker making helps us to cut maximum fabric in minimum time.
- Marker making helps us to use minimum labor and cut maximum fabric.
- Marker making helps us to be hundred percent sure to usage of maximum cloth.
- Marker making helps us to use ideal measurement and cut the fabric properly.
- After cut the fabric by market its helps us to delivery to the sewing section.
- Marker making helps us in production plan by understanding the length and width.