How do they gets order from buyers?

Garments factory produced garments and shipment to various country by on land transportation, Sea or by air and makes profit. They use LC transaction system most of the time get the money.  When the manufacturer failed to complete the full PO quantity order on time than they send the goods to buyer by air which is much expensive than sea shipment.

Have you ever been curious to know? How exactly they execute all of those process? No…………o! If yes; than you might be get some information but not completely satisfied you. Isn’t it? Today I’ll try to make you a little clearer about this matter. Let’s ask a few question and try to find out the answer.

How do they gets order from buyers?

Get an order to produce garments is not an easy task. Merchandiser of a factory is responsible to take order from buyer and execute the full production to shipment. The merchandiser received some product related documents like Tech Pack, Spec, and Measurement Chart from buyer’s representative. Merchandiser send those documents to Product Development (PD) Department it’s also known as Sample Section. The pattern maker makes pattern and send it to the sample making responsible to make mock up for that particular garment. Also send the pattern to CAD department to calculate the actual consumption of fabric and materials.

What is Mock Up?

Mock up is a demo structure of that garments, makes the initiating time of product development stage. PD makes to find out the difficulties it’s can be occurred during sample making and production process. Mock up helps the CAD & IE related people to find out the actual consumption materials and SMV. This sample makes from available fabric and trims which already they have in factory.

Procedure of to go for Negotiations:
Base on this value they makes approximate price for garments, which they get from CAD & and IE. The merchandiser place a price to the customer to negotiate with them. Most of the time buyer ask to reduce the price if the garments is new style. When the buyer thinks the price is reasonable they ask them to proceed for buying sample. The sample section is responsible to make desire garments however customer needs.  Representative of buyer change the garments style, shape, materials so many time in this development stage to make a proper shape and affordable price. If they like than they ask for Counter Sample (CS) to make contract seal with that factory.

What is contract Seal?

Contract seal means, the factory get the order from buyer and can be start production process as soon as they want to complete the production within shipment dead line. Factory works so hard to complete the production and prepared the shipment goods in the barrier of their

last FOB date.

How they negotiate the price of goods?

Merchandiser is the person who is responsible to do that negotiation with customer. Merchandiser go for negotiation after get the consumption summary from CAD department, SMV & threads consumption from IE Department. This process takes a little long time finalize the actual garments and is price. Its takes 60 days to 120 days depend on buyer requirement and goods price from development to shipment.

Meaning of abbreviations are used in this article

CAD      = Computer Aided Design.

SMV       = Standard Minute Value.

CS           = Counter Sample.

PD          = Product Development.

IE            = Industrial Engineering.

LC           = Letter of credit

PO          = Product Order

FOB        = Free On Board

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Safety in garments industry

Safety in garments industry

Industry is a place where some of products are produced by various machinery and worker. Because of too many workers do their work in a place, so they need to follow some rules and regulation to keep them healthy and safety?

Safety in garments industry

Safety in garments industry

When a designer make an industry design they never compromise the safety of the worker would be used on that production. They decide where should be the dangerous machinery keep and how they are being operated with keep the safety distance. Designer used some identified symbol to keep the labor or worker safe must be known to every person in the industry. Though most of the small sizes of industry never use the entire safety symbol but they used a few essential symbols like entry, exit, fire, alarm, hazard, store, office, maintains etc.

If we research on worker health and safety, than there is no such rules and regulation before 1995. Worker need to be healthy and safety during working time and their personal life so in 1995 created a list of rules and regulation. All those rules and regulation are given blew with symbolic information.


Provisions of Facilities

Safety in garments industry -Provisions of Facilities

  • Accommodation for clothing
  • Air conditioning systems
  • Atmospheric conditions
  • Common facilities
  • Drinking water
  • Seating
  • Facilities for rest
  • First aid
  • Lighting
  • Maintenance of facilities
  • Meals in places of work
  • General place of work ventilation
  • Removal of steam, fumes, dust and other contaminants
  • Toilets
  • Washing facilities
  • Drainage of floors
  • Fire precautions

General safety of provision

  • Safety general
  • Cleanliness
  • Prevention of falls
  • Safe means of access and egress
  • Safety in confined spaces
  • Training and supervision
  • Overcrowding and airspace
  • Traffic control
  • Workers employed under loads
  • Lifting heavy tools
  • Protection from harmful noise and noise control
  • Electrical installation safety
  • Portable electric equipment
  • Signs, color coding and aisle marking
  • Duties of designers, manufacturers, suppliers and sellers of plant
  • Duties of designers, manufacturers, suppliers and sellers of protective clothing and equipment
  • Restriction on the employment of young persons

Hazards substance and materials

Hazards substance and materials

Hazards substance and materials

  • Protective clothing and equipment
  • Safe work on loose materials
  • Vessels containing liquids
  • Flame cutting and welding
  • Safety in refrigerated compartments and places where electromagnetic or ionizing radiation is generated
  • Precautions with respect to explosive or flammable substances
  • Storage of materials
  • Storage of hazardous substances
  • Eliminating hazardous substances
  • Safe use of harmful substances
  • Workplace exposure standards
  • Work with compressed air and high-pressure equipment

Occupational health

Occupational health

Occupational health

  • Identification of occupational health problems in places of work
  • General hygiene
  • Prevention of infection
  • Managing occupational health
  • Advice of employees
  • Stress
  • Occupational overuse syndrome (OOS)
  • Ergonomics at work
  • Changes in working hours and shift work
  • Violence at work
  • Language and cultural considerations
  • Alcohol and drug dependence


All those requirement is not only for those worker who work but also important for the owner of the industry because an unsafe place never motivate a worker to do their best performance. A dangerous working place could make a dangerous situation which is definitely not profitable for business. So all those requirement should followed by all of this production industry.

Responsibility of an apparel merchandiser

Responsibility of an apparel merchandiser

Apparel merchandiser is a person who is plays the vital role to make a better profit by making contract with buyer to successful shipment. An ideal merchandiser should follow a few responsibilities to execute the apparel manufacturing process. All those responsibility should know every merchandiser that’s why I’m going to discuss about it. A minor mistake can reduce you calculation specialty or your professional skill. So read every step of this article carefully to be an expert on merchandising and do your professional duties.

Merchandiser is key of marketing for a garment manufacturing company and production observer.

Order collection

This is the first step to do duty of a senior merchandiser in garments industry. Always looking for buyer, make discussion and finally make an appointment with them to make a great deal by taking some dress manufacturing contract or order collection. An expert merchandiser can make a huge profit by making a profitable contract with buyer. Though most of the contract makes via E-mail or Fax but a merchandiser should know all of the way to collect order from buyer.

You May Interested to read. How do they gets order from buyers?

Sample development

Every business use some sample design to convince the buyer. That’s why this business also needs to make some sample to show those to buyer. Development of sample is required when the production factory want to take challenge to make batter garment with different high profile production factory. Sample development should be prepared before show to the buyer as it can be acceptable.

Price negotiation

Profit is the main aim of a garments production factory. What ever you think; in every business profit comes first. So In that case a senior merchandiser should know how to negotiate the price with buyer as the production company get’s profit by making this garments. Senior merchandiser must know how to explain the product with the buyer and why they deserve such amount of money to produce the product.

Material sourcing

Sourcing of the material capability is great and so much important qualification of a senior merchandiser. Every merchandiser should maintain a strong and good relation with supplier as they can be reaching in time. A good relation between supplier and buyer could help together to produce better product on time.

Order confirmation

Order confirmation is an important duty for a merchandiser that we have got the requirement garment manufacturing like quality of garment, how many size include in it, quantity of garments etc. simply it a simple latter or mail to buyer that we are agree to produce the garment within a amount days.

L/C opening

This is needs to export the product in another country. This is a part of commercial department of an industry but senior merchandiser should know and maintain the L/C work.

Opening summery

This is short information of all of goods manufacturing process. Opening summery made when a contract made by showing to the buyer or customer. This is whole process of manufacturing showing at a glance.

Production planning

This is a future planning of garments how it manufactures and what we’ll get. Production planning helps senior merchandiser to draw a production flow chart as it can be execute properly and handle all of worker.

Product development

Talking about the people who use the garments; always want a high quality garments by low budget. So product development is an important step to take before starting the manufacturing.

Production monitoring

Every production need to monitor properly so that the production would not makes any wrong step. Production monitoring helps the production manager to provide as same as garments quality as buyer required.

Quality assurance

Quality is a great character of a garment product. The product should not compromise with its quality by any causes. Buyer reserve the authority to cancel the order, if the quality of garments is less than the buyer asked.

Final inspection

Inspection is one of the most important steps to take in any manufacturing process. Buyer always asks for new and different design and quality that is could be new to the worker or official stuff. So inspection required in every step. Some time inspection could be providing wrong information as a result the shipment could be in danger. After complete final inspection the shipment would be ready for delivery.

Arrange shipment

After completing folding, packing, and make a unit box by carton. The goods are ready to shipment than the senior merchandiser arrange a transport to send them to buyer. If buyer has any terms and condition than merchandiser could follow the instruction because buyer is a big income source of the manufacturing company.

Discuss of garment costing

Discuss of garment costing

Merchandiser is a profession where every merchandiser controlled by some internal rules and regulations to do the duty. Always rules and regulation show the path of working procedure of a merchandiser. So every merchandiser should follow every single rules and regulations all of this regulation are the responsibility of a merchandiser. This information is collected from a few senior merchandiser personal experience and opinion how they think about this job. I think this information can help fresh merchandiser who have no idea how a merchandiser work and those merchandiser whose have some misunderstand about it.

Discuss of garment costing

Discuss of garment costing

Garment costing

A garment is one of the most important elements used to make fashion and make a better life style. Now a day’s all the people across the world use garments to be a fashionable person includes you! Currently reading my article….

Different type of garment are manufacturing every day by different manufacturer depending the necessity of consumer. People who use the garment always want a high quality and comfort garments in minimum budget. So there is now way to make cheap garments by considering the quality of garment. Before make a conformation deal with buyer a merchandiser make the calculation of manufacturing cost. The price of the garment to a buyer depends of the estimate costing of a garment. After make a calculation of a garments the manufacturer fix a price for buyer as it can be accept able to the buyer and so friendly to the current business environment.

Calculation of a garment cost? May be this is not so easy as you think because a full proof and authentic and profitable calculation need a vast of knowledge of fabric manufacturing process and process cost and many more. Here is some important point should acknowledge to a perfect merchandiser. Here you go.

Raw Material source

As like every other production; garment also need raw material and this big amount of raw material or fabrics is not so easy to get it when it is need to produce the garment. So merchandiser so be able to make a strong relationship with supplier so that the material could be get in time. If the raw material cause a big problem than it could be reduce the profit. This is the big reason of hike the estimate cost of garments I think.

Color, Size and quantity specification

How many quantity of garments buyer want to buy and how many color and size should include on the contract. Some time the color of fabric could be rare to get and could not be able the make such amount of garment as much as the buyer required. So before make a deal with buyer always the responsible merchandiser take a look on the stock and supplier. After talking the order from buyer if the merchandiser unable to get the fabric and produce the garment than the costing could be hike from the calculation amount.

Size specification

Every calculation is abortively if the merchandiser makes a mistake with size specification of garments. Size specification should follow according to buyer on manufacturing process other wiser it will make wrong size of garments and manufacturer gets a shock of damages other than they get profit.

You May Interested to read What is garment Tech Pack or Spec?

Shipment date

Manufacturing process of garment must complete before the date of shipment. A senior merchandiser always fixes this date with buyer over phone, E-mail or Fax or any communication system. Shipment date should take seriously to do business all over the word because some time the buyer cancels the manufacturing order if the manufacturers companies miss the shipment date.


Most of buyer inspects the garments before get the delivery from manufacturer. Buyer makes an inspection by themselves or third party send by buyer. After get the full conformation of the quality of garments the manufacturer gets paid.

Terms and condition

Some time some buyer adds some terms and conditions during make the deal with manufacturer. Payment system, wash fastness of fabric, and minimum and quality of garments also include on this terms and condition. This terms and condition also like how we contract with a tailor when order for a dress. But this condition could be written on contract paper.

Distinguish Between Tailoring and Garments process.

Distinguish between tailoring and garments industrial manufacturing process.

Tailoring and industrial garments manufacturing out put is same thing but the working technique is different then other. Both are work to make dress but one is depends on a little amount of money and person. Lets go ahead to know more about distinguish between tailoring and garments industrial manufacturing process.

Distinguish Between Tailoring and Garments process.

 Tailoring Methods Industrial methods
1.A small shop and a few sewing machines with two or three person can give the production of a tailoring shop.


Too many different type of machine and labor are need to give the fully production of industrial garments processing methods.
2.One or two person are need to make a dress2.Too many labor, machine, and a large management team is required to continue the production of industrial garments manufacturing process.
3.A few hours need to make a dress3.Approximately 1 or 1.5 minutes is needs to make a dress.
4.Selected dress is made for selected person’s won body shape.4.Garments manufacturing industry take an ideal body measurement and make thousand of cloth.
5.No need to grading5.Grading is important to take in industrial garments manufacturing process.
6.One sewing machine and one operator can make a cloth6.Too many machine and operator work to make garments.
7.One dress is made for one person so costing of dress is more than others.7.Industrial garments manifesting system follow the ideal shape of every body size and make the garments so that the cost of dress is less then the tailoring system.
8.Different parts of body’s shape are taken one by one so feting of dress is perfect.8.Feting of dress is not good every time
9.Fabric wastage is too much.9.Fabric must be cut according to pattern so wastage of fabric is less then tailoring system.
10.Unite of garment making the risk of garments making is less.10.Thousand of garments are making at a time so the risk of garment making is high.
11.Garments are supplies without gorgeous wrapping.11.After make the garment. Its must wrap by penchant of customer.
12.Capital of the tailoring shop is not so much.12.Industrial garments making factory need a large amount of capital.

Please let us know if we missing something by comment below.

Description of tailoring process

Description of tailoring

Description of tailoring

Description of tailoring


Tailoring is a process of garment making by take the measurement of one selected person’s body shape. One this garments making system the selected person select his/her favorite design, color, fabric. The garments all of measurement and every design can be depend on the customer. Tailoring system makes a garment for one single person.


One the other hand the garments industry system makes thousand of dress by three different size by taking baby, man and women body’s ideal shape and measurement. Garments system make pattern using marker and cut thousand of pieces of garments piece at a time and make them full useable garment after sewing and finishing. Garments and tailoring is same state of garments manufacturing system but in reality it’s two different way to make garment.


Tailoring is a small business but garment is a business with a vast word. Tailoring business is run by one administration and a few tailors are work to give the production. In a tailoring shop a cutting master is required to take the measurement from the customer’s (selected person who want to make a garment by his/her own body shape) different part of body and cut the fabric, send them to tailor to sewing, make a desire dress to look them perfect.


Ironing or calendaring is required to give the perfect satisfaction to the customer after complete the dress. Some time the cutting master also does the job as a tailor. Tailoring system has own style like one tailor only sewing one type of dress, if the tailor sewing pant than tailor must sewing pant not shirt. A shirt is takes a little long to complete in tailoring system than garment industrial system.


Without those information there is something to mention.

  1. For one selected person is make one selected dress.
  2. Not need to grade anything.
  3. One sewing machine is able to make a garment.
  4. The making cost of dress is more than the garments industry’s system.
  5. Feting of the dress are more than the garments industry’s system.
  6. Fabric wastage is much more than the garments industry’s system.
  7. Selected person’s own measurement is required to make a cloth so no need to use pattern.
  8. No need to use any cutting machine in tailoring.
  9. Trail option helps the customer to fit their cloth by wearing that.
  10. Never use care code in tailoring.
  11. After get the trail if the dress is not fit with the body, then there is an option to make it more comfortable as the customer required.
  12. Tailor gives the customer priority first so they keep trying till get the customer satisfaction.



Distinguish Between Tailoring and Garments process.

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