Retting of flax fiber

Retting of flax fiber

The flax fibers are held together in the stems by woody matters and cellular tissue and Retting is a fermentation process that frees the fibers from these materials. Retting may be carried out in one of several ways.

Retting of flax fiber

Retting of flax fiber

1. Dam Retting :
The flax plants after pulling are tied up in sheaves or beats and immersed for about ten days in water in special am or ponds dug in the ground. This method is commonly used in Ireland.

2. Dew Retting :
The crop is spread in the ground after pulling and left for several weeks wetting by dew and rain encourages fermenting by moulds to take place. Dew Retting tends to yield dark colored fibers. It may be used in regions where water is in short supply. It is commonly practiced in Russia and France.

3. Tank Retting :
After harvesting, the seed bolls are stripped from the steam by reciprocating metal cobs. The de-seeded flax tied in bundle in packed in to concrete tank which are filled with water artificially heated to about 30°C Retting is completed in about three days some of the best and uniform fiber is produced by this process.

4. Chemical Retting :
Retting can also be carried out by treating the flax straw with chemical solution such reagents are caustic soda (NaOH), Sodium carbonate (Na2Co3), Soaps and dilute mineral acids. Its more costly process than biologic Retting and the fiber produced is not better.

Flax fiber Breaking and Scutching:
After Retting the next stage is breaking. The straw (flax) is passed between flutted roller in a breaking machine, so that the woody core broken in to fragments without damaging the fiber running through the stem the broken straw is then subjected to the proc known as “Scutching” which separates the un want woody material from the fiber. This is done beating the straw with blunt wooden or metal blades, either by hand or by machine. The woody matter is removed as shiver which is usually burnt as fuel, leaving the flax in the form of long strands formed of bundles of individual fibers adhering to one another.


After Scutching the fibers are usual combed or hackled by drawing them through sets of pin, each successive set being finer than the previous one. After hackling we get finer as well as coarse fibers, the long fibers are known as line (More than 10 Inch) and the shorter fiber are called tow (Less than 10 inch) Read more about Properties of Flax fiber

Properties of Flax fibers

Properties of Flax fibers

Properties of Flax fibers: flax is a natural fiber and this fiber is used to make most of the expensive cloth which is most comfort to wear. Flax also so much popular for the comfortableness and softness. lets have a discussion about properties of flax fiber. please follow the link to read more about flax fiber. Read more

Properties of Flax fibers

Properties of Flax fibers

Physical properties:
1. Length: The average length of fiber various from 90-125 cm. length of individual fiber cells are 6-65 mm (¼ inch – 2 ½ inch) and mean diameter of about 0.02mm (1/1200 inch).
2. Color: Brownish, light, ivory, grey.
3. Tensile/Strength: it is stronger than cotton fiber. Tenacity varies from 6.5 to 8 gm/denier
4. Elongation: The elongation at break is approximately 1.8% (dry) & 2.2 (Wet).
5. Bending properties: it has a high degree of rigidity and resists bending.
6. Specific gravity: 1.54
7. Effect of moisture: M.R%=12% (std)
8. Effect of heat: Highly resistant to decomposition up to about 120° C the fibers begin to discolor. Sp. Heat is 0.322. It is good conductor of heat. So linen sheet are so cold in summer season.
9. Resiliency: Low
10. Abrasion resistance: Moderate
11. Dimensional stability: Good but easily tend to crease.

Chemical properties:
1. Bleaching action: Flax (Linen) is made difficult to bleach than cotton for its huge amount of impurities, like pectin and gum.
2. Effect Acids: Flax will withstand in weak acids but is attacked by hot dilute acids or cold concentrated acids.
3. Effect of alkali: Flax has good resistance o alkaline solution for large amount of gum and waxes.
4. Effect of organic solvents: Resistant of common solvents (Acetone, ether, methyl, alcohol, Chloroform Etc.)
5. Effect of insects: Flax is not attacked by moth, grut or other insects.
6. Effect of micro-orgasms: flax has height resistance to rotting under severe. Conditions of warmth, damp and contamination how ever mildews may attack the cellulose of flax but resistance is generally high particularly if the yarn on fabric is dry.
7. Dye ability: not good affinity to dyes. Direct and vat dyes are suitable for flax fiber.

Chemical composition of flax

                                                Raw Flax%       Ratted Flax%

Cellulose                                        56.5                  64.1
Hemi-cellulose                               15.4                  16.7
Pectin                                             3.8                    1.8
Lignin                                            2.5                   2.0
Fat & wax                                       1.3                     1.5
Water soluble                                10.5                  3.9
Moisture regain (Water)                 10.0                 10.0

Total = 100%    Total = 100%

Use of flax fiber

Flax products have been used as sail and tent canvas, fishing lines, fishing nets, book binder’s thread, and leather working threads, sewing thread, suture thread, carpet warp and union cloth cotton & flax blended at weaving stag. Flax are also used to produce clothing, household, industrial and furnishing fabric only the best portion of seed flax can be use for wool-pile rugs backing, twine and rope. The linen fiber are extensively used in fine table damasks, handkerchiefs and sheer linen fabrics, linen and Dacron blends make excellent wash and wear fabric for dresses and sports wear.
Another secretes are waste flax fibers are make in to high grade bank notes, writing papers cigarette papers. The linen makes from flax fiber is an excellent conductor of heat. Linen sheet are cold and linen garments are comfortable in hot weather.