Top 10 cotton producer country in the world

Map- Top 10 cotton producer country in the world

Description of Cotton:

Cotton is the most popular fiber in the natural fiber. This is maximum usage fiber around the world because this cotton is not harmful for body and this is most comfort in low price. Cotton fabric is so friendly with skin and environment.

Map- Top 10 cotton producer country in the world

Map- Top 10 cotton producer country in the world

Impurities in Cotton fiber:

Cotton is a uni-cellulose fiber. Cellulose is the use able and main part of the cotton fiber. 94% cellulose and 6% impurities are made a natural cotton fiber. The name and the percentage of impurities are given blew. It’s could be less of high.

Protein                         1.3%

Pectin’s                       1.2%

Oil, Fat, Wax              0.6%

Mineral Matters           1.3%

Ash                              0.5%

Others                         1.1%


Total Impurities           06%

Cellulose                     94%


Total:                          100%

Top ten cotton producers country in the world:

China comes first on the list of top ten cotton producer country around the world. China provide maximum amount of cotton. More than 33% cotton comes from china. Not only cotton producer but also china is remarkable country in the world every sector which helps the country change a little. Another country also cultivates the cotton fiber like India, U.S.A. Pakistan Brazil etc. all the country also mention on the list of top ten cotton produce country in the world.

Statistic- Top 10 cotton producer country in the world

Statistic- Top 10 cotton producer country in the world

Percentage of cotton produce by countries are given blew.

China                           33.00

India                            27.0

U.S.A                          18.0

Pakistan                      10.30

Brazil                           9.30

Uzbekistan                  4.60

Australia                      4.20

Turkey                         2.80

Turkmenistan              1.60

Greece                         1.40

To know more about cotton fiber please follow the link are given.

Percentage of impurities in different natural fiber

Classification Of Textile Fiber.

Description of Flax Fiber

Engr. Md. Mustak Ahmed


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