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Ultrasonic in wet processing technology

Ultrasonic in wet processing technology

Ultrasonic in wet processing technology

Textile wet processing get the challenges of reduce environment pollution to save the green world. This is so important to reduce usages of water chemical and dyes in wet processing. Wet processing is most of important department in textile which is plays a vital role to makes color and various textile process. Ultrasonic makes the wet processing easy and better than conventional system in a few selected methods. Let’s discuss the process of ultrasonic.

Meaning of ultrasonic (Ultrasound)

Ultrasonic made from two different words, ultra mean beyond and sonic mean sound. Ultrasonic defined the sound which limit is more than human limitations.  Ultrasonic is a sound waves which frequencies are above the limitation of human audibility. More than hearing ability (>20 KHz) are called ultrasonic.

The human ear can respond to minute pressure variations in the air if they are in the audible frequency range, roughly 20 Hz – 20 kHz. It is capable of detecting pressure variations of less than one billionth of atmospheric pressure.

Sound Classification

Production of ultrasonic.

Ultrasonic can be produced by following methods

Advantage of ultrasonic in textile wet processing.

Ultrasonic in textile industry

This is the most effective process in textile wet processing which is can be divided in to two main category.

Ultrasonic is a different way to increase wet processing procedure and let it be so effective. Though this is a process of sound weave but it is reduce the cost of goods and increase profit.


The Indian Textile Journal

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